Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted lately, but there really hasn't been anything going on. I have been working full-time and Roland has been putting in a lot of extra hours, so he hasn't been home much on weekday evenings.
Drake is moving around a lot, but not kicking me just yet, mostly just bumping me. I have a feeling that sooner than later he will be kicking me a lot, lol.
Today Roland went and played softball with some of his co-workers. I came along to be his cheering section and because I enjoy an occasional game of softball/baseball. I spent most of the time chatting with one of his co-workers 4 (almost 5) year old son. He was precious and a lot of fun to talk to. I have no idea who won since no one really kept track of the score. It was a really nice day, not humid and not to hot, and with some cloud cover. Thankfully I remembered sunscreen so I did not get a sunburn.


The Madeira Triplets said...

Yay for baby bumps! I love the name Drake!