Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sonogram Day!!!!

Roland and I have been looking forward to this day for weeks now!!!! The baby is healthy and seems to be average on weight, size and heartbeat, which is FANTASTIC!!!

Check out the pictures:

Here is it's face.The head.

The profile.



Cute little foot.

And for the biggest news of all, IT'S A BOY!!!!
We are sooo super excited about this. He kept moving around during the sonogram, but he did the one thing I asked earlier in the day, to not be shy and let us find out if it was a she or a he :) His first name will be Drake, we still have to figure out the middle name :)


Pixie Mama said...

oooh i could not scroll down fast enough!!!!

Congrats... I have found boys to be surprisingly cuddle bugs.

Anonymous said...

Did you HAVE to leave the big news for last? :) Yay - I'm so happy for you!! And I love the name Drake - strong and manly - and unique but not wierd. Love it.

Oh I miss you so much during this whole thing!!!

Gary said...

Congrats, sis! You're going to have so much fun with your baby boy! Start buying Hot Wheels now!


dash said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you are both sooo delighted! This is when picking names gets a lot easier!

Anonymous said...

Big CONGRATS on your little boy!! We are very excited for your new family :)


sending big smiles and hugs!!!!!!

Mr. Puuk said...

Most excellent - congrats! It's so exciting when you can actually see a baby inside you instead of a tadpole looking thing. Good thing Drake did the full monty for you, it took 2 visits to find out what Jillian was and the second visit took 45 minutes before Jillian moved into a position to tell. Stubborn, just like her mommy.