Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Drake and Books

Today Roland and I got up early for part 1 of 2 childbirth preparation classes. It was a bit long, 9:30 - 4:30 with an hour break for lunch, but I found it interesting and helpful to discuss the different things to expect during labor. Part 2 is next Saturday. I already knew about most everything that was discussed, but it is always good to hear it again and ask questions. I found it amusing that they discussed and practiced "relaxation" techniques, which was basically meditation. The teacher scolded me for relaxing to much and breathing too deeply, I take that as a good sign for me :) I am going to try to meditate more often to get some practice in before Drakey gets here.
Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. Everything is going great! Found out that the 3 hour glucose test that I took last week came back negative so I do not have gestational diabetes, woo hoo! My blood pressure is also under control now that I am taking medication for it and Drake is right on target, size-wise for 30 weeks. I left the appointment very happy and relieved :)
Went to my book club meeting last night and had a great time gabbing with the gals. We just read Clan of the Cave Bear. I am glad that I read the book, but did not enjoy it as much as i expected I would. I just didn't really like the author's writing style, way to much description for my taste. I am interested in what happens to the main character, but not enough to read the next books, lol. We are reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter for the next month. I am a little bummed that it seems that I won't be able to make the next meeting, but I will be able to see all the ladies soon for Drake's baby shower.
I also bought the coolest new Tarot deck that is out: Mystic Faerie Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft. She is an AMAZING artist, I just love her work!! The deck is beautiful and I can't wait to start using it.