Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Phone Number and Drake Info

Roland and I have updated our cell phone numbers. If you did not receive an email with the new number, let me know I'll forward the new info to you.

I have had a really busy week doing stuff related to the baby. Last Saturday Roland and I went to part 2 of Childbirth Prep classes. Wednesday evening we went to Baby Care Basics and Thursday evening we attended a Breastfeeding class. I am really glad that we went to the classes, it was nice to discuss the topics and ask questions to a health care professional. I feel a bit better about my ability to get through labor and take care of a newborn.

Thursday I had a doctor's appointment and Drake is doing wonderfully. My blood pressure is still under control, he is the right size and he passed the non-stress test with flying colors.

Friday I went back to the doctor's office for another sonogram. She said that he is doing great, looks great, is still definitely a boy and is right on target for everything. He weighs 4 lbs. 1 oz. now. I left the appointment on cloud 9, super happy about how well this pregnancy is coming along.

Here is a picture from the sonogram, you can kinda see his little face.