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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Stardust and Drake

Roland and I went to see Stardust this evening. OH MY GOODNESS!!! This movie is completely brilliant. If you enjoy the fantasy genre at all you MUST see this movie.
I have been wanting to read a Neil Gaiman novel for a while now (this movie is based on one of his books) and now I will definitely pick one up when I get a chance.

In other news I had a sonogram appointment this morning. Drake is doing wonderfully and looked great. He is still a boy and he is currently 6 lbs. 14 oz. with a predicated birth weight of around 8 lbs. - which is perfect :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, my sister just had her baby. You are sooo close! Can't wait to see pictures of him :)

P.S. I put a link to your blog on our site.