Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

So Friday was my 33rd birthday. It was pretty low-key, since I couldn't really plan anything specific just in case munchkin decided to come early. One great thing about my birthday being on the 7th means that it is always during the labor day holiday week. So I usually work the holiday and take my birthday off. I believe that no one should work on their birthday and that they should be able to play instead. So I worked Monday and gave myself a 3 day weekend this weekend. So what did I do for my birthday? Not much, lol. I slept in. Roland came home from work early (which was amazing since he worked some serious overtime this week) and we ran to Target to get some stuff I needed. We stopped for some cake and ice cream on the way home. Played some World of Warcraft. I also had Roland drive me to Borders to see my book club group. I didn't read the book this month, but I figured it would be the last time I would get to see the gals before Drake gets here. So it was a nice birthday, but not action packed like some past birthdays, which included seeing the musical "Wicked", going to Magic Mountain or seeing Godsmack live in their hometown. Maybe next year will be more adventuresome :)

Today I went to Roland's co-workers surprise baby shower and we had my birthday dinner at PF Changs with our good friends Gary, Amy and their little ones. It was a great dinner, even though there was an hour wait to sit.

And finally, another belly picture for your enjoyment. This was taken last weekend on 9/1.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Virgo! I like Gwen in the shot. hehehe

Anonymous said...

you're so cute! gwennie in the pic is awesome too! :o)