Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 01, 2007

Is it fall yet?

Wow its already October! I really wish it would feel more like fall here in VA, but I guess that doesn't surprise me. I did notice yesterday, on a drive with my dad, that some of the leaves are changing colors, so that is a good sign that fall is on its way. The weather has been a lot better lately, well on the rare occasions that I get outta the house. We drove up to D.C. the other night and it was really nice. I had to stay in the car with the baby, but it was really nice and not hot and humid for once. I am enjoying the company of my dad and step-mom, who are out here to meet baby Drake.
I'm totally bummed that Roland is already back at work, so now I have to get used to taking care of the baby all by myself during the day. My parents are doing the touristy thing right now, they are up in D.C. visiting the Smithsonian, so I am home alone with the babe, who is sleeping most of the time with the occasional break of fussiness.
Anyway I hope to get some pictures up here soon, but in the meantime keep checking Drake's blog, he has been really good at getting pictures and info about our adventures posted.