Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hello Again, I'm Still Here, Somewhere... Probably in the Nursery :)

I have been trying to get onto my computer to get a post up on my blog, but as you can imagine, I have been very, very busy ever since I went into labor last Thursday evening ;) I am actually on Roland's laptap, in the nursery, typing this up while Roland is trying to get some sleep and I am hanging out with Drake while he is sleeping/fussing. Drake slept a lot today so I imagine we will be up all night taking care of him.
We are all doing really good. Drake had a little jaundice when he was born but we found out tonight that it is getting better and we don't have to do any more testing regarding it, woo hoo. Grandma Ali is visiting and helping us get used to having the little munchkin around. She is having soo much fun holding and entertaining the little guy.
Please go to baby Drake's blog, Drake's Den to see all the great pictures and to get the birth story.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Momma! He's adorable!