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Monday, May 04, 2009

Picture Update

Ok, so I admit it, I have been slacking here with the posting. Facebook is so easy to post pics that I have been doing them there instead. So sorry, but here you go with a lot of new pics. I am really enjoying Oregon. The weather has been wonderful, that is, if you like rainy days with a few days of sun in between :)

Oh and by the way, I am really happy that Drake is finally saying Mom and meaning it. He started just a few days ago, and mostly uses it when his toy is stuck or he can't reach it, lol.

Drake playing in his clothes hamper.

Trying to read Mommy's book.

Playing with his matchbox cars.

Playing on his new chair that also lays out flat on the floor.

An experiment in trying to feed himself, lol.

Playing at the park.

He now poses for the camera for a few seconds before moving to try and grab the camera.

Mmmmmmmm juice!!!

We went the the Oregon coast a few weeks ago and there are some cool shops there. I really liked this sign.

Pretty Oregon coast sunset :)

Trying to help Daddy put together the futon. He is also dressed to go to the model railroad show.


Trying to be cool at Red Robin.

He loves to play with Daddy's drumsticks.

Wearing Mommy's shoes.

Copying the cat.

Our friends just got some baby chicks. Drake is sitting on their cage checking them out.

Khayman managed to figure out a way to get up on top of the wall.

Me and my shiny new Kindle 2. I lurve it.

Which guitar should I play with...

My silly little guy :)


Roland said...

Wow that's a lotta pics. I'm glad you finally updated the blog since it keeps the pics and posts. On Facebook they just scroll off after a short time. I like the link to the Train Expo. Great Sunset pic too. Might have been better to make several blog posts, breaking the pics up by subject or timeline. That's a lotta stuff for a little guy!