Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 23, 2006

End of the Weekend

Sorry I haven't blogged lately, but I just haven't really been moved to post about anything. We are slowly unpacking and organizing the new house. I still have a lot to do, but not that motivated to use my free time to do it :) I'll finish it sometime.
We have been enjoying the wonders of Netflix. So far I have watched the first 2 DVD's of the first season of "Six Feet Under", which I have been enjoying immensely. We have also watched a few movies, including Oceans 11 & 12. Oceans 12 started off slow but ended really well, I liked the little twists it took, looking forward to Oceans 13 when it comes out. Today we watched Haunted with Kate Beckinsale and Aidan Quinn. It wasn't that good. It was a good idea, but they didn't pull it together well... but if you think Kate Beckinsale is hot, you might want to rent it cuz she is nude several times in the movie :) Next in the queue is to get a live Godsmack DVD (to set the mood for my upcoming birthday concert extravaganza with Godsmack and Rob Zombie) and Roland has picked "The Transporter".
I am hoping to go see Pirates tomorrow for date night!!! Really excited to go see this movie :)
l8r t8rs!!!