Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Superman Returns

was a horrible movie. Roland got mad at me that I kept making really rude comments and ruining the movie for him, but I just couldn't help myself it was just that horrible. If I knew the route to drive home I would have really considered leaving him there and coming back for him when it was over. I sooo wish we had gone to Pirates instead, but that will be next time :) Soo looking forward to seeing Orlando Bloom again :)
We signed up for Netflix at the end of last week. I ordered the 1st season of Six Feet Under, but it came damaged so I had to send it back, but I got another copy yesterday and I watched the pilot last night. I am soo happy that I get to see the entire show, in order. I only saw it in bits and pieces when it was originally aired. I always wanted to buy the dvd's, but they are soo fricking expensive, $70 a season, so at least with Netflix I can still see it :) I have already queued up like 150 movies and shows, plus there are a lot more, since I only choose the first season of the tv shows I wanted to check out. It will take me forever to get through all the movies and shows I wanna see, but thats cool. I even choose some exercise/yoga dvd's so I can try them out and see if I might want to buy them.
Our stuff still hasn't arrived from the moving company, they are supposed to get here late tomorrow or Friday. The sooner, the better, I miss my stuff and want to start unpacking and organizing. Roland is really ticked off at the moving company. The company he choose ended up using the same crappy moving company we used when we moved to Madison and had such bad service. They are already late again, and mis-represented themselves. He sent them a very scathing email, and hopefully we will get some kind of refund. I just hope our stuff gets here all in one piece and soon :)
Saturday we are planning on going to Six Flags of New England with Rolands work, so that should be fun, hopefully it wont' be to hot and humid.
Its raining here right now, which I like, but Roland is grumbling about the wetness of New England :) It thunderstormed yesterday and our power ended up going out from 3:30 pm until 12:15 am, which sucked, since I didn't get to finish my hours for the day, guess I will just have to consider it a vacation day and not get paid.
I am really liking New England so far, just frustrated with the driving. The other drivers here just pull out in front of you without looking. Also the roads are so crooked that I have no idea where I am, and each street looks like the other, all trees and beautiful houses. I also have trouble with night driving, especially if there are no street lights, well wouldn't you know that Roland found us a house to rent on a busy, narrow street with very few street lights, so I am going to have issues driving at night... oh well... :) I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. Thankfully Roland can drive most of the time :) Husbands are good for that.