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Sunday, October 08, 2006

New England Fall Foliage

Saturday we decided to drive around New England to enjoy the leaves changing colors. It is soo beautiful out here this time of the year, nice and cool out with the trees turning all shades of yellow, orange, and red. Roland did some research online to see where we should go and decided that we should head up to Mt. Ascutney in Vermont. It was a few hours away just on the border of Vermont / New Hampshire.

Here I am at the Vermont sign along the highway. This was my first time in Vermont so I thought we should commemorate it with a silly touristy picture of me with the sign :)

Just over the border we found Ascutney State Park. The peak of the mountain is at an elevation of 3,144 feet above sea level. We drove up towards the top and along the way was a place to pull over for a scenic view.

We drove to the parking lot near the top and walked .7 mile to this observation tower at the summit.

Here are the pictures I took from the top of the observation tower:

My cute, lovable Roland :)

Here is a fuzzy picture of Roland posing as we headed back to the parking lot.

The view from the parking lot:

Roland and his car, Stan


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! And what's this you have easily we were replaced...sniff...sniff!!!