Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted much lately, but there really isn't much to say except that Roland is on the job hunt and I'm still pregnant (thank goodness). I will warn you now, this blog may get really bogged down in pregnancy issues, so if you are not interested just skip those posts :)
Roland has 2 on-site interviews in the next week, so hopefully a job opportunity will come out of them.
I have my first doctor's appointment on Friday, and hopefully will have a somewhat official due date at that time. I can guess now, since I have figured out when conception should have occurred, but there are soooo many ways to figure it out, so I will see what the nurse says on Friday. Oh yeah, my first appointment is with my doctors nurse, not my doctor, but I'm fine with that, since it will mostly be questions on what my body is going through, urine tests and blood tests. I'm making Roland come with me, just in case they take more than 1 vial of blood, and being pregnant I'm not sure how woozy that will make feel, so I don't want to risk driving myself home. After the nurse gives me a due date I'll replace the weight loss ticker at the top of this blog with a baby ticker.
I haven't had any morning sickness yet. I have had days of some nausea and gas, but it has only made me uncomfortable, not outright sick. I don't think I have been to moody, but you would probably have to ask Roland that, he would know better. I have been STARVING!! Yet half the time I don't feel like eating, I know that eating would make it better, but it's hard to get the eating done, its soo weird, lol. It's so nice to not be dieting for once, and I can accept that my body will get fat and stay that way for like 18 more months. Once that has passed I will go back to the exercise, healthy diet thing again :)
L8R T8R's!!!!